Friday, August 14, 2009

Five Self-Leadership Principles

Five Self-Leadership Principles

Millions of dollars are spent annually on leadership development and yet leadership challenges are the bane of many organizations. The same leadership principles that allow effective leaders to elicit great results from followers can assist an individual to identify and implement steps to maximize his or her potential. The purposeful, organized application of leadership principles to self-development is called self-leadership. People who approach their development in this manner position themselves for resounding personal and professional success.
Self-discovery. Imagine if Mozart never discovered his musical talent, or if Picasso died oblivious of his artistic skills. Factual information about the human nature will be identified and a framework for self-discovery developed from it.Every person has a gift or talent. The essence of self-discovery is to identify your natural talent.
The following five tenets of preparation will put you in optimal position for getting the most out of your talent:
a. Lead a disciplined life.
It overrides self-indulgence, laziness, wanton desire, and other similarly debilitating conditions. Discipline maximizes efficiency in that things are always done at set times. A disciplined person is credible and trustworthy as his word and action always match up. Without discipline, the other tenets will yield suboptimal results.
b. Embrace lifelong learning.
Your talent will take you places, but not before it´s been discovered and refined. The self-discovery principle emphasizes snatching every opportunity to apply your abilities. Had you not taken the time to acquire the knowledge you utilize in your career or vocation, how would your life be different? By the same token, consider the leading voices in your field, individuals who possess the same gift as you. What do they know that you don´t?
c. Always strive for excellence.
Excellence demands that you make the most of opportunities to hone existing skills and acquire new ones. It requires a desire to experiment with new ideas. Excellence-minded people are not averse to change. They see it as a chance to test and further develop their innate ability.
d. Get an early start.
Reaching your potential requires such commitment, tenacity, and time commitment that last-ditch efforts only can´t accomplish.
e. Be ready for the unexpected.
Relentless preparation is the most effective approach to managing the unknown. It minimizes the tendency to be distracted by a potential threat and increases the chances of having a desirable outcome.

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